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“Alright, guys! Dinner has been served! Now let’s dig in.” Trisha clapped her hands together, ushering the two women into the dining room with her.
“Oh, my this chicken looks delicious. Did you cook it yourself?” Vienna asked as she sat down. The tasty aroma filled the dining room, making their mouths water.
“Oh, thank you. Yes, yes, I did. You see, for this recipe, I like to either buy thinly sliced chicken or slice regular chicken breasts in half from right to left, opening them like a book..” Trisha started explaining how she cooked the dish as Ashley looked at Vienna as if saying told you so. Vienna smiled at her and then focused her attention on Trisha, listening intently.
“So Vienna, Ash told me you have a double major. That’s amazing.”
“Yeah, I have a major in philosophy as well as art history, criticism, and conservation. I’m currently volunteering as an intern for the NYU Institute of Fine Arts.”
“Wow. Beauty and brains, huh? Ashley sure landed the perfect person.” Trisha winked, making Vienna laugh. “What do you get up to when you aren’t studying and working?”
“I paint. I love to paint. Oil on canvas mostly.” Vienna added.
“What do you paint?”
“Feelings, memories. I can paint anything, really, but often when I am overwhelmed with a feeling, I put it on canvas. Hard to explain, I guess, I would have to show you some of my pieces.”
Ashley was intrigued. She enjoyed art. She had some beautiful pieces in her apartment. She was almost desperate to see what had spilled out of Vienna’s lovely head onto a canvas.
“Oh, girl. That sounds deep and meaningful. I LOVE it.” Trish almost danced a little in excitement.
“You two can come to my place sometime, and I’ll show you.” Vienna shocked herself by issuing an invite to her home. She never had anyone to her home. Never. What was she doing?
“I would definitely like that. Ash, wouldn’t that be great?”
“Sure. I mean. I’d love to. Thanks.”
The trio kept talking, and it seemed as if Vienna had always been a part of her life. Even though Trisha knew the arrangement and the casual dinner was out of Vienna’s usual scope, it felt natural.
She enchanted Ashley. That was precisely Vienna’s job, though, wasn’t it? To be the best. To charm, to beguile, to intrigue.
“Alright, ladies, I think we should call it a night. I have a crucial meeting tomorrow.” Ashley suggested.
“Nooooooo. I thought we could have played spin the bottle!” Trisha quipped.
“Okay then, girls! Let me show you to your rooms for the night.” Trisha said to the women, getting up herself.
“Ash, you already know your room since you’re an equal resident of this house.” Trisha laughed.
Ashley rolled her eyes, smiling.
“Yeah, yeah. I know.”
“Vienna, my dear. This is your room. And I don’t just mean for tonight; you can visit anytime you like, and this room shall be yours from this day forth.” Trisha told her with a grin on her face.
“Thank you so much, Trisha. This is really sweet.” Vienna told her as she entered the room.
The room was much like the rest of the house with its simplicity and tidiness. It had a color scheme of beautiful lilac and white. There was a queen-sized bed in the middle of the room.
Trisha excused herself upon receiving a phone call from Kevin.
Vienna walked towards the windows, checking the view as Ashley stood in the doorway watching her.
“Alright, then. Uh.. have a good night. If you need anything, my room's just two doors away.” Ashley told her, her eyes shamelessly roaming around Vienna’s body.
Vienna, seemingly oblivious to Ashley’s stare, smiled and nodded.
“Thank you.” She said as Ashley walked off to her room.
Later that night, Vienna went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Walking back to her room, she suddenly ran into someone.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Vienna mumbled, rubbing her forehead.
“It’s okay. Trisha has this habit of keeping the house completely dark at night. I’ve told her it’s creepy, but she says she can’t sleep otherwise.”
A light above them flickered on as Vienna focused her gaze.
Ashley smiled at her, and her eyes took in the little silk spaghetti strap top that rose and fell with her high full breasts. Vienna’s nipples prominent through silk. Little silk shorts showing her long tan legs. Her hair pulled up in a messy bun.
Vienna blushed under Ashley’s penetrating stare. She was used to people looking at her. Used to eyes on her body. But this felt different. Ashley raised her hand to a strand of Vienna’s hair and pushed it behind her ear, and Vienna looked up at her noticing her eyes darken. Ashley’s hand came up to softly stroke Vienna’s cheek. Immediately, Ashley snapped back to reality, and her eyes widened, and she dropped her hand.
“Uh, well. Goodnight then.” She said to Vienna, hurrying to her room.
Vienna was still rooted to the spot. She brought her hand up to touch her cheek, where Ashley’s hand had been. Forcing herself to move, she threw one last glance at Ashley’s door and then went to her room.
Why am I behaving like a teenager? Maybe feelings are not just for seventeen-year-olds?
Vienna’s voice and body echoed in her head as she went to sleep.
Vienna’s doorbell rang as she was popping another popcorn in her mouth.
She was surprised to hear her door mid-afternoon, but paused the movie, and got up to answer it. Ashley walked in confidently and gave Vienna a brief hug.
“Hey, I hope this isn’t a bad time. It’s just, I thought it might be better to drop in and talk to you in person, for a change, rather than on the phone, if you were home obviously. Which it seems that you are.” Ashley rambled on, scratching the back of her neck.
“You sure you weren’t just missing my charm around you?” Vienna teased with a smile. This was probably the first time she had flirted genuinely with Ashley.
“Excuse my homeless look though, I wasn’t expecting anyone,” Vienna added, looking down at her casual shorts and tank top briefly before meeting Ashley’s gaze again.
“No, it’s alright. You look very beautiful. As always.” Ashley complimented.
Vienna smiled, a hint of red covering her cheeks. Pulling herself together, she asked Ashley,
“What would you like to have? Coffee? Tea? Water? Beer? Wine? I have it all.” She finished with a wink. It felt strange having Ashley, or anyone, in her home.
“A beer would do. Thank you.” Ashley responded with a smile of her own.
They sat on the living room sofa, Ashley with a beer in hand and Vienna with a can of soda.
“So, what’s up?” Vienna asked.
“There’s a party tonight at The Beekman, that I’ve been invited to. It is all a bit last minute. It’s just your everyday rich people’s party, nothing special. What is special, however, is the people that are going to be there. These are very influential and important people. A great boost for the business, if scored. So, we’ll have that charming personality of yours put to the test tonight.” Ashley finished with a smile.
Ashley couldn’t help but think that she found herself explaining everything to Vienna even though there was no need. All she needed to do was tell her what kind of a party it was, and the location and Vienna just had to do her job accordingly.
There was something new that Ashley couldn’t quite describe, but she also couldn’t deny that she kind of liked it.
“Oh, you’ll be more than satisfied by tonight’s end.” Vienna winked.
Ashley couldn’t help but look at her. Vienna. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and her face void of any makeup making her freckles stand out. She was flawless, Ashley thought.
“I’m sure I will be,” Ashley replied, tucking a stray strand of hair behind Vienna’s ear. This intimate act was becoming more of a habit now, and Ashley didn’t want it to stop.
/> Ashley’s phone started to ring. Vienna immediately tore her gaze and focused on the bowl of popcorn as if it was the most exciting thing to exist.
“Right so, uh... yeah. Tonight at 8, then. I’m certain you’ll dress impeccably as always.” Ashley told her after ending her phone call. Ashley’s eyes burned through her clothes. Through her skin. As though to her very soul.
“Yeah. Alright.” Vienna said as they both got up, walking to the door.
“See you tonight, then. Have a good day.” Ashley told her, walking down the steps towards her car.
“See you tonight.” Vienna breathed out.
Closing the door, Vienna set her back against it, heaving a sigh. She put a hand on her chest, feeling her rising heartbeat.
What was that about?
“It’s so beautiful,” Vienna whispered to Ashley, as they arrived at the venue, their fingers laced together.
“Fun fact: In the Victorian era, this building was called Temple Court and was home to law offices,” Ashley told Vienna as they walked through the sea of people.
Vienna wore in a knee-length royal blue off-shoulder dress, and Ashley couldn’t help letting her eyes drift over it. The lovely lines of Vienna’s body. The way the blue set off her golden hair. The sparkling green of her eyes. The beautiful skin.
Ashley smiled at her, squeezing her hand. This woman had a presence that could make you smile anytime, anywhere. Steering her towards the person hosting the event, Ashley wrapped her hand around Vienna’s waist.
“Ashley Davidson! I’m honored that you could attend tonight. My, my, you look so smart.” Mr. Matthews called out, pulling Ashley in for a hug.
Elijah Mathews was the city’s most influential businessman, owning up to 4 of the country’s leading businesses as well as two top-tier media houses. Ashley’s company had managed his son’s wedding two years back, and the man had been in love with her work ever since. The man was 62, but it’s as if he stopped aging after 40, looking as young as ever.
“It’s good to see you, Elijah.” Ashley pulled back and smiled at him, once again wrapping her hand around Vienna’s waist.
Elijah hadn’t been wrong, Ashley did look smart in a black silk button-down shirt and smart burgundy pants.
“And who is this lovely lady?” Elijah turned his attention to Vienna, taking her hand in his and kissing it.
“This is my girlfriend, Vienna,” Ashley stated, proudly.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Mathews. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
And sure enough, Vienna had heard about him. Ashley had spent a good hour briefing her on some of the prominent people that they would expect to see.
“Oh, please, call me Elijah.” He offered with a warm smile.
“So will they all talk like this in a fake posh accent all night?” Vienna quipped into Ashley's ear, pretending to say something significant.
Ashley nodded, trying hard not to laugh as her whole body quivered with Vienna’s lips to her ear and her body close.
She always smells so good; I want more of that.
Stop it! What are you doing?
The voices in Ashley’s head had a duel of their own. She shook her head and got back into the conversation.
Vienna was chatting to Elijah as though she had known him all of her life. Ashley just watched in awe of her.
“Ashley, I must say you are charming yourself, but this evening is now officially owned by your lady love.” Elijah’s voice reached Ashley’s ears.
“Well, she is an art major, and I am kind of an artist myself, we were made for each other.” Ashley had her reply ready. She was not the only one smitten by Vienna anymore.
“Speaking of art and the artist, I have investors coming from England soon, and you need to design the company dinner they attend, as well as the after-party. It should be one grand affair. I will email your secretary all the details.” Elijah turned to Ashley.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Mathews, everything shall be taken care of,” Ashley said with the usual belief in her voice.
“But only if you bring Vienna with you. Otherwise, this project is not yours, and I am not even joking.” Elijah continued with a sly smirk.
Ashley laughed, shaking her head, and then nodded.
“It would be a pleasure to attend Mr. Mathews. We will both there. Vienna is my lucky charm; I wouldn’t come without her.” Ashley said to the sneaky man.
“Good for the business and the heart. You are one lucky woman, Ashley. Now if you will excuse me, I have to greet the rest of the guests. You two ladies enjoy your evening.” Elijah said while leaving the two alone.
Good for the business and the heart?
She looked up at Vienna and caught her looking back. A real look? Or an act? What was she thinking? What was she feeling?
The evening went by in a blur of mindless chatter with clients and the sound of champagne glasses clinking. It came with a lot of clients for Ashley, so she didn’t complain. Vienna was, so far, absolutely acing the test her charming personality had been put through tonight. People looked at her in awe, and every single one wanted to spend more time with her. Nobody was immune to Vienna’s charm.
Ashley looked at her beautiful ‘girlfriend.’ Vienna’s smile dazzled back. Eyes bright, teeth straight and white. Ashley leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
For the people watching? Or for herself?
Ashley put her car keys on the table beside the door as they entered her apartment. She could have dropped Vienna home, but she just didn’t want the evening to end. They shrugged off their now slightly wet coats and put them on the coatrack. Vienna kicked off her heels and sat on the big sofa with her feet up and turned on the TV. Naturally. As though she had always lived there. Ashley brought them both some water, and they gulped it down.
“The heavy showers in New York City will be continuing through the night and throughout the week, at intervals. The citizens are requested to please remain indoors.” the reporter announced in the news.
“Great,” Vienna muttered.
“You could stay here tonight. I mean, I have more than enough room here. Besides, the rain doesn’t seem like it’s stopping any time soon.” Ashley suggested, looking out the window at the heavy rain.
“If it’s not bothersome to you.” Vienna started.
“Not at all! I’d be glad to have you over.” Ashley smiled at her.
“Thanks,” Vienna replied with a smile of her own.
“Come on, let me show you to your room.” Ashley got up with Vienna trailing behind her.
Walking up the few steps, she opened the door to the first bedroom in the corridor. The room was tidy and neat. The walls were painted blue and white. Queen sized bed, massive full-length mirror at the corner of the room with a table to the side. There was a bathroom off the bedroom.
“I’ll get you some clothes for the night,” Ashley said to her.
“I’m going to take a shower. I want to feel clean again.”
“Sure. There are towels in there. Help yourself to anything you need.”
The heat between them was palpable.
“I brought you some clothes.” Ashley knocked as she walked into the bathroom, the water was running. Vienna was in the shower. She didn’t look.
The cubicle door slid open, the steam and the heat from the water, and Vienna stepped out. Naked. Ethereal. Incredible.
Ashley’s eyes to her body. Her breasts. Her hips. Her pubic hair. Her eyes. Those eyes.
“Do you have a towel?”
Ashley swallowed and grabbed a towel. Desire pooled in the pit of her stomach. “Er. Here.” She passed the towel over. Looking. Trying not to look. “There’s some clothes. I left them on the chair.”
Hurriedly moving out of the room, Ashley rushed to the kitchen, gulping down a glass of cold water to calm her nerves. She had never felt this turned on. Ever.
Ashley looked at her bedroom door, thinking she had heard something. Except for her own heart beating fast
er, there was no noise. She was moving restlessly on the bed. Her mind filled with images of Vienna’s beautiful fragrant body, her long hair darker when it was wet, the perfectly toned hips that looked modeled from clay.
Ashley reached her hand between her legs. She was soaking—wet dreams of naked Vienna.
Why am I doing this?
Ashley made last attempts at self-control, tugging at her hair in frustration. She lay back, opening her legs.
Her fingers slipped and slid around her wet folds. She pushed inside herself.
Vienna’s eyes. Her face. Her laugh. Her hair. Her body. Naked and wet.
She pulled her fingers out, and they slid around her clit. Teasing. Playing.
Vienna’s full high breasts, the water running down them. Vienna’s magazine perfect body.
She moved her fingers faster. Harder on her clit.
Vienna’s dark blonde pubic hair.
Her fingers moved faster. Her back arched.
Vienna Vienna. Vienna.
She orgasmed hard against her fingers.
Sleep came quickly to her.
Ashley was at the office with a coffee. She wanted to see Vienna, but there was nothing scheduled over the next couple of days.
“Ms. Davidson, you will be happy to know we are getting more clients than ever.” Her secretary said politely.
“They have all been talking about Ms. Rhodes. She is as lucky for the company as she is for you.” she continued.
It seems like everything these days revolves around Vienna.
Ashley thought to herself as she nodded and smiled at her secretary.
There was an idea. She could call Vienna, telling her she wanted to celebrate the company’s recent successes. She was paying. Vienna had to do whatever she wanted.
Vienna arrived at the club and, for a moment, was stunned at how good the nightclub was. She smoothed down the short black leather skirt she was wearing.